August 27, 2010

47 produk mengandungi bahan beracun disenarai hitam

Oleh Faiza Zainudin

47 produk mengandungi bahan beracun disenarai hitam

KUALA LUMPUR: Sebanyak 47 produk pelangsing badan, kosmetik dan ubat-ubatan tradisional yang berdaftar dengan Kementerian Kesihatan disenarai hitam kerana dikesan mengandungi bahan kimia beracun termasuk steroid yang boleh memudaratkan pengguna. Ketua Penolong Pengarah Kanan Penguatkuasaan Kementerian Kesihatan, Mazlan Ismail, berkata kebanyakan pengeluar apabila mahu mendaftarkan produk mereka dengan kementerian, akan memberikan sampel yang mengandungi kandungan produk herba. “Bagaimanapun, selepas mendapat kelulusan, secara sembunyi mereka mencampurkan produk itu dengan bahan memudaratkan bagi memberi kesan segera kepada pengguna, sebelum diedarkan di pasaran,” katanya kepada Berita Minggu.

Katanya, ada pengguna meninggal kerana menggunakan produk ini dan dikhuatiri ramai mendapat penyakit kronik, termasuk gila jika memakan campuran bahan berkenaan secara sesuka hati tanpa pengetahuan dan nasihat doktor.

Beliau berkata, syarikat pengeluar mendapat keuntungan berjuta-juta ringgit setiap bulan berikutan permintaan yang tinggi daripada pengguna apabila melihat kesan segera apabila menggunakan produk itu.

Antaranya ialah 12 produk pelangsing badan yang dicampur bahan aktif sibutramine untuk mengurangkan selera makan; 17 produk kosmetik dicampur bahan pemutih hydroquinone dan tretinoin serta 18 produk tradisional dicampur dengan steroid dan antihistamine.

“Produk ini terkenal dan mendapat permintaan tinggi di pasaran, walaupun harganya mahal dengan pengeluar mencatat keuntungan jutaan ringgit setiap bulan.

Mazlan yakin masih banyak produk sedemikian dijual di pasaran, walaupun pelbagai tindakan penguatkuasaan dilakukan termasuk merampas dan menggantung lesen syarikat pengeluar terbabit.

Beliau berkata, produk itu banyak dijual di toko jamu, kedai ubat tradisional dan syarikat jualan langsung.

“Produk beracun ini mudah dikenal pasti menerusi iklan dan tuntutan yang meragukan serta menarik perhatian,” katanya.

Katanya, nilai rampasan setiap produk itu juga tinggi dan meningkat setiap tahun dengan produk pelangsing RM966,871 bagi 2007; RM858,522 (2008); RM1,136,004 (2009) dan RM1,047,592 (sehingga Jun ini).

Mereka yang bersalah boleh dikenakan tindakan mengikut Akta Racun 1952 yang mengenakan denda minimum RM5,000, manakala bagi Akta Jualan Dadah, denda maksimum RM50,000.

Produk disenarai hitam Kementerian Kesihatan

Produk pelangsing badan berdaftar ada sibutramine:
•Body Beaus
•BMI-9 Xylimming Capsule
•Senna Plus Capsule

Produk tidak berdaftar mengandungi sibutramine:

Produk berasaskan makanan mengandungi sibutramine:
•Slimax Coffee
•Beaute Fit Body Contour
•Body Trimz

Produk tradisional berdaftar yang mengandungi steroid:
•357 Nasal Spray

Produk tradisional tak berdaftar mengandungi steroid:
•Makjun Taufiq Dua Istimewa
•Majun Dua Istimewa
•Ginseng Jin Fui Wan
•Maajun Tenaga Herba Ubi Jaga
•Jamu Tradisional Jaya Asli (Anti Asam Urat)
•Red Brand Ginseng Plus Zheng Fei Capsule
•Ren Sem Tu Chon Chin Kuo Pill
•Makjun Syafiq 3 Istimewa

Produk berasas makanan yang mengandungi steroid:
•Air Ikan Haruan

Produk kosmetik yang mengandungi hydroquinone dan tretinoin atau salah satu:
•Eriesya Spa Beauty Cream
•Atika Beauty Renewal Cream
•Temulawak Whitening Pearl Cream Papaya
•Ratna Sari Whitening Night Cream
•Tia Amelia Krim Jeragat
•Chantique Whitening Night Cream
•RZAC White Pearl Cream
•Nuriz Day and Night Cream
•Elite Rias Er Cream
•R&Z Whitening Night Cream
•Beauty Line Beautitude Multipurpose Cream
•Pigmentation Recovery Complex
•Zara Rejuvenation Cream
•Natasya Krim Herba Gold
•De Putih Night Cream
Produk tradisional berdaftar ada antihistamine:
•Eng Leong Cordyceps Chuanbei Plus Cough Pill
Produk tidak berdaftar mengandungi antihistamine:
•Pil Zhen Zhu Bai Fong Wan
•Qian Tong Dan
•Raja Ubat Resdung
•Coral Plus UA 350MG

August 22, 2010


Mary Kay® System for Acne-Prone Skin

Acne Sufferers Take Note: Help May Be Just Days Away

Introducing the New Mary Kay System for Acne-Prone Skin

If you are one of the millions of women who have acne blemishes, you know that breakouts happen at the most inconvenient moment. Your life does not have time for a breakout, and you certainly don't have time to try a product that will not work.

You want results, and you want them fast. The new Mary Kay System for Acne-Prone Skin delivers. The frustrating and time-consuming battle against acne blemishes has met its match with Mary Kay.

Interrupting the Cycle : -
In order to help keep skin clear and acne-free, the cycle that causes acne blemishes must be interrupted, and that's exactly what the Mary Kay System for Acne-Prone Skin does. Formulated with 2% salicylic acid, the products penetrate pores to unblock trapped oil and debris, helping to clear acne blemishes and control excess oiliness. They also contain the botanicals Canadian Willowherb, sea heather and burdock root.
In just 3 days*, the appearance of acne-prone skin will improve.*Results seen in overall severity of acne blemishes during a clinical study conducted in an independent laboratory under the supervision of a dermatologist.

The new Mary Kay System for Acne-Prone Skin works by helping to:

Keep pores from becoming blocked
Reduce excess oil

The Mary Kay System for Acne-Prone Skin includes the following products:-

August 21, 2010


The innovations behind the new MelaCEP™ Whitening Systems are the result of extensive research, development and testing in the Mary Kay laboratories. Our skin care scientists studied the multiple reasons that lead to uneven skin tone. And after their extensive research into the science of pigmentation, they focused on an approach unlike that of other whitening products.

The Mary Kay scientists discovered that if they addressed the multiple reasons why uneven skin tone develops - instead of focusing on just one cause - they could develop products that could be even more effective.

How uneven skin tone is formed : -
  • Exposure to UV light triggers skin damage.
  • "Damage signals" are sent to the cells in the skin where melanin is produced.
  • These signals cause the increased activity of skin cells called melanocytes.
  • The MITF gene is activated to make pigment-producing enzymes such as tyrosinase and TRP-1.
  • Pigment-producing enzymes, such as tyrosinase, convert the amino acid tyrosine into melanin that collects in melanosomes.
  • Melanosomes are transferred to keratinocytes that travel to the skin's surface, causing uneven pigmentation



Mary Kay® MelaCEP™ Whitening System Foaming Cleanser

The first step in your daily skin care is cleansing. This creamy formula mixes with water to gently remove impurities and excess oil.
Mary Kay® MelaCEP™ Whitening System Foaming Cleanser

Mary Kay® MelaCEP™ Whitening System Freshener
Complete the cleansing process with this gentle Freshener. It lifts away residual dirt, leaving skin feeling refreshed and supple.
Mary Kay® MelaCEP™ Whitening System Freshener

Mary Kay® MelaCEP™ Whitening System Mask

Enhance the whitening process with this moisture-rich Mask. It leaves skin looking brighter and feeling softer and smoother.
Mary Kay® MelaCEP™ Whitening System Mask

Mary Kay® MelaCEP™ Whitening System Essence
Help restore clarity with this quick-absorbing serum. The innovative packaging keeps the formula, which contains ascorbyl glucoside, in an airless environment to maintain its effectiveness.
Mary Kay® MelaCEP™ Whitening System Essence

Mary Kay® MelaCEP™ Whitening System Day Moisturizer with SPF 15
Protect your skin during the day from UV exposure. This lightweight, moisturizing formula contains ascorbyl glucoside. The potency of the formula is maintained in an airless pump.

Mary Kay® MelaCEP™ Whitening System Day Moisturizer with SPF 15 30ml.

Mary Kay® MelaCEP™ Whitening System Night Cream
Pamper your skin with this luxurious cream while you sleep. The formula, which contains ascorbyl glucoside, delivers lightening ingredients during the time your skin uses to restore and renew.
Mary Kay® MelaCEP™ Whitening System Night Cream

Mary Kay® MelaCEP™ Whitening System Dark Spot Serum
Target visible dark spots with this unique serum. The rollerball packaging makes it easy to apply the translucent serum directly on dark spots, reducing their appearance over time. The highly effective, lightweight formula contains ascorbyl glucoside.

Mary Kay® MelaCEP™ Whitening System Dark Spot Serum

Mary Kay® MelaCEP™ Whitening System Foundation Primer with SPF 15
On its own, as the final step in skin care regimen, or as the first step that provides the perfect palette for foundation and color cosmetics, it delivers light-diffusing benefits so skin looks more even toned and brightness is optimized. Mary Kay® MelaCEP™ Whitening System Foundation Primer with SPF15, Primer Compact and Primer Sponges are sold separately.
Mary Kay® MelaCEP™ Whitening System Foundation Primer with SPF 15, 14g.


Bring beautiful balance to your skin with Mary Kay® Botanical Customized Skin Care, enriched with botanicals carefully chosen for your skin type. With the exclusive Bio-Enriched™ Complex in each formula, you’ll nurture your skin with a blend of ginseng, pomegranate and oat, for skin that looks and feels healthy.
Bawakan keseimbangan yang cantik kepada kulit anda dengan Mary Kay® Botanical Customized Skin Care,
diperkaya dengan bahan botani yang dipilih cermat untuk jenis kulit anda. Dengan kehadiran Bio-Enriched™ Complex di dalam setiap formula, anda boleh menyuburkan kulit anda dengan sebatian ginseng,delima dan oat supaya kulit anda kelihatan sihat dan berasa sihat.

Formula 1 – Dry Skin Kulit Kering

Enriched with hibiscus, the dry skin system immediately comforts, soothes and softens, restoring skin to a renewed radiance.

Sistem kulit kering diperkaya dengan hibiscus yang segera melega, menyaman dan melembutkan serta mengembalikan seri kulit yang diperbaharui. 
Formula 2 – Normal skin Kulit Normal

Beech tree is known as the tree of eternal outh, and its extract is reported to enhance the skin’s natural processes. The customized products for normal skin
energize and revitalize, enhancing skin’s natural beauty.
Pokok bic terkenal sebagai pokok awet muda dan ekstraknya dikatakan dapat meningkatkan proses semula jadi kulit. Produk yang dikhususkan untuk kulit normal memberikan tenaga dan mencergaskan kulit serta menambahkan lagi kecantikan semula
jadi kulit.

Formula 3 – Oily Skin Kulit Berminyak
Witch hazel helps clarify the skin by acting as a mild astringent, helping to control oil production so less oil is found on the skin’s surface. It also has a high content of tannin, a powerful antioxidant that can help reduce the damage caused by free radicals.
Witch hazel membantu menjernihkan kulit dengan bertindak sebagai astringen lembut, membantu mengawal penghasilan minyak supaya tidak banyak minyak yang terdapat di permukaan kulit. Ia juga mempunyai kandungan tanin yang tinggi, sejenis antioksidan kuat yang membantu mengurangkan kerosakan akibat radikal bebas.

84% of participating Asian women with dry skin experienced supple feeling skin.*
84% daripada wanita Asia berkulit kering yang mengambil bahagian dalam ujian mengalami kulit  yang lebih lembut.*

94% of participating Asian women with normal skin saw healthy-looking skin.*

94% daripada wanita Asia berkulit normal yang mengambil bahagian dalam ujian menyaksikan kulit mereka kelihatan sihat.*

81% of participating Asian women with oily skin experienced skin that felt balanced.*
81% daripada wanita Asia berkulit berminyak yang mengambil bahagian dalam ujian mengalami kulit berasa seimbang.*

* Based on a 2-week consumer claim study
* Berdasarkan pernyataan kajian pengguna selama 2 minggu



 turn back time ......

 The Miracle Set is the age fighting skin care collection proven to deliver dramatic results for soft, beautiful, younger looking skin.

TimeWise® 3-In-1 Cleanser (normal to dry)
This creamy cleanser leaves normal to dry skin feeling clean, fresh and radiant with enhanced hydration. As it cleanses, exfoliates and freshens in one step, it begins the process to reveal younger-looking skin. Plus, with each use, your skin feels refreshed.

TimeWise® 3-In-1 Cleanser (combination to oily)
This combination to oily formula washes away excess oil with a lathering cleanser that leaves skin feeling thoroughly cleansed and balanced. It cleanses, exfoliates and freshens in one step as it begins the process to reveal younger-looking skin. Plus, it's gentle enough to use twice a day for soft, smooth and refreshed skin.

Item TimeWise® 3-In-1 Cleanser (normal to dry),
4.5 oz. net wt.

TimeWise® Age-Fighting Moisturizer (normal to dry)

Reduce the appearance of fine lines for younger-looking skin with this oil-free lotion. It's formulated with next-generation antioxidants that guard against free radicals which cause the skin to age. The normal to dry formula delivers an emollient-rich treat that enhances the skin's natural moisturization process to prevent moisture loss for soft, supple skin.

TimeWise® Age-Fighting Moisturizer (combination to oily)
This oil-free lotion helps reduce the appearance of fine lines for younger-looking skin. Plus, it contains a next-generation antioxidant to guard against free radicals which cause the skin to age. The combination to oily formula helps absorb and control oil while providing essential hydration and special ingredients to give the skin a silky feel with a matte appearance.
TimeWise® Age-Fighting Moisturizer (combination to oily),
3.3 fl. oz.

TimeWise® Day Solution Sunscreen SPF 25*

Think of it as a veil of defense. With an SPF of 25, this innovative product helps prevent lines and discoloration before they occur by blocking damaging UVA/UVB rays. A calming peptide helps relax expression lines.
TimeWise® Day Solution Sunscreen SPF 25*,
1 fl. oz.

TimeWise® Night Solution

A unique delivery system of encapsulated vitamins and antioxidants combined with collagen-enhancing peptides help fade away deep lines and wrinkles. Nutribeads® microcapsules are vitamin-packed. Rest assured your skin is being revitalized while you sleep.
TimeWise® Night Solution,
1 fl. oz.

Sayangi Bibir Anda – Lips Treatment

Kenali Bibir Kita Tahukah anda, bibir mempunyai lapisan kulit yang paling nipis iaitu hanya 3-5 lapisan sedangkan bahagian kulit lain mempunyai sehingga 16 lapisan. Bibir juga tidak mempunyai sebarang bulu, mahupun kelenjar peluh dan juga kelenjar sebum yang menghasilkan sebum yang bagus untuk melembapkan kulit. Kerana itulah bibir adalah bahagian yang paling cepat kering, paling sensitif, dan paling mudah 'berumur' berbanding bahagian lain pada wajah kita. Maka, kita seeloknya menjaga bibir dengan sebaiknya.

 1. Bila Siang

Tabiat menyapu pelembab bibir setiap kali keluar rumah mungkin mudah bagi kita, tapi sebenarnya ini adalah asas yang paling penting dalam rutin penjagaan bibir. Pastikan bibir anda tidak basah supaya pelembab bibir boleh diaplikasikan dengan sempurna pada bibir, atau bibir yg kering dan merekah akan jadi lebih teruk! Sapulah pelembab bibir yg mengandungi SPF untuk melindungi bibir dari kesan cahaya matahari.

2. Bila Malam
Sebelum tidur, kesat semua kesan gincu bbir dengan gentle make-up remover , kemudian ambil kain lembut yg dilembabkan, dan gosok dengan perlahan di permukaan bibir. Ini adalah untuk menanggalkan semua sel-sel mati di permukaan bibir. Gosok sehingga bibir terasa lembut dan licin. Sapukan nipis-nipis produk rawatan bibir atau serum bibir dan biarkan semalaman. Boleh juga gunakan krim anti-ageing with retinol ya!
3. Jangan!
Tabiat menggigit dan menjilat bibir sebenarnya faktor utama bibir anda menggelupas. Elakkan menjilat bibir, jika bibir terasa kering segeralah menyapu lip balm sekerap mungkin sepanjang hari.

Satin Lip Mask

Sangat berkesan membuang kulit-kulit mati di permukaan bibir anda. Sekiranya kulit-kulit mati dipermukaan bibir tidak dibuang setiap 3 hari, bibir akan kelihatan pucat, kering dan tidak bermaya.
Satin Lips Balms
Ujian klinikal menunjukkan hanya dengan penggunaan sekali sahaja Satin Lips  Lip Balm dapat mengekallan kelembapan sehingga 6 jam.


SELAMAT DATANG....................

Selamat Datang ke De Great Women Online di mana kami menawarkan produk kecantikan bertaraf antarabangsa iaitu MARY KAY COSMETICS.

Sebagai Perunding Kecantikan Bebas Mary Kay, kami juga menawarkan:-

  • Skin Care Class,
  • Make-Up Class dan
  • Consultation secara percuma.

Anda juga boleh mendapatkan skin consultation secara online dimana pembelian barangan akan dihantar ke tempat anda secara PERCUMA.....

Sekiranya anda ingin mencuba produk Mary Kay, sila hubungi:

PM           : Ms. Fitrah

H/P No.   : 012-3614206
Email       : degreatwomen@gmail.com

Anda juga boleh melayari laman web berikut untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut mengenai dunia MARY KAY...

Mary Kay Website:

MARY KAY - membina masa depan yang cantik bagi wanita...

Hi Ladies,


Bagaimanakah caranya ? Amat mudah .. apa yang diperlukan ?
1. Dapatkan borang daripada Beauty Consultant.
2. Isi borang perunding kecantikan (Beauty consultant)
3. Bayar RM180 untuk keahlian seumur hidup.


1) 1 Set Beg Mary Kay ( Hitam ) .
2) 1 TimeWise 3-in-1 Cleanser
3) 1 TimeWise Moisturiser
4) 1 Medium Coverage ( Ivory 200 )
5) 1 Medium Coverage ( Beige 304 )

6) Cermin muka Mary kay ( 3 )
7) 1 set facial cloth dan facial tray
Sample produk - lipstick, cleanser, moisturiser


1) Berpeluang menghadiri kelas kecantikan
2) Mencantikkan dan menyihatkan kulit sendiri
3) Peluang menjana wang tambahan/ pendapatan
4) Tawaran hebat dengan kerjaya sendiri
dan banyak lagi !!

PM saya untuk lebih lanjut..

Sis Fitrah,
Senior Beauty Consultant,
H/P: 012-3614206


August 20, 2010


Nothing creates a signature style like fragrance. Choose from a collection of Mary Kay® fragrances for women and men that range from romantic florals to energetic fruity scents to woodsy musks.
Bella Belara™ Eau de Parfum


Bella Belara™
is more than a fragrance – it’s a beautiful feeling. The exuberant floral fruity perfume captivates immediately. The senses are first treated to a delectable medley of apricot and red nectarine. At the heart of this women's perfume, dew-covered rose petals and Moroccan jasmine unfold, while a delightful mix of creamy blonde woods and cool moss linger.
Bella Belara™ Eau de Parfum
1.7 fl. oz.

Affection® Eau de Parfum
 is a modern oriental chypre that awakens the senses with sparkling pink peppercorn. At its heart is the surprising sweetness of Chinese osmanthus and white peony. Finally, the warmth of amber woods delivers a lasting impression. It’s pure luxury captured in a bottle. Affection. Never let it go.
Affection® Eau de Parfum,
1 fl. oz.

Journey®Eau de Parfum,
A light, translucent blend of sheer, floral notes. Beautiful top notes like ice mint, watercress and water lily are layered above wild freesia, apricot musk and beachwood accents.
Journey®Eau de Parfum,
1.7 fl. oz.

Have Fun with Your Scents of Style                                                   

Become a Fragrance Fashionista. Go ahead and indulge in life’s little luxuries with the new Mary Kay® Eau de Toilette Women’s Collection. Four new fragrances offer everyday scents at a super value. Featuring a wide range of fragrance preferences, these eau de toilette clear-formula sprays present casual alternatives to fine fragrances.

Warm Amber is warm, creamy, rich and cozy. Simply Cotton is clean, crisp and refreshing. Sparkling Honeysuckle is a stroll through a sunlit garden. Exotic Passionfruit is so juicy, you can almost taste it. And they’re all so easygoing, you can change your scents of style just by adding a new scent to your fragrance wardrobe. Mary Kay® Eau de Toilette fragrances are simple, yet sophisticated, you can choose a new scent every day! Each 1.7 fl. oz. bottle comes in colorful packaging – perfect for holiday gift-giving.

Exotic Passionfruit™

Deliciously fragrant, Mary Kay® Exotic Passionfruit™ Eau de Toilette is wonderfully fruit, zesty and juicy. Simple, yet sophisticated, Mary Kay® Eau de Toilette fragrance are so carefree and easygoing you can change your scents of style just by adding a new scent to your fragrance wardrobe. So, go head, indulge in life's little luxuries.
Item Mary Kay® Eau de Toilette,
Exotic Passionfruit™,

1.7 fl. oz.   
  Sparkling Honeysuckle™

Like a stroll through a sunlit garden, Mary Kay® Sparkling Honeysuckle™ Eau de Toilette lavishes you in beautiful floral fragrance. Simple, yet sophisticated, Mary Kay® Eau de Toilette fragrance are so carefree and easygoing you can change your scents of style just by adding a new scent to your fragrance wardrobe. So, go head, indulge in life's little luxuries.

Mary Kay® Eau de Toilette,
Sparkling Honeysuckle™ ,
1.7 fl. oz.
Simple Cotton™

Inspired by the beauty of purecotton, Mary Kay® Simple Cotton™ Eau de Toilette is clean, crisp and refreshing fragrance. Simple, yet sophisticated, Mary Kay® Eau de Toilette fragrance are so carefree and easygoing you can change your scents of style just by adding a new scent to your fragrance wardrobe. So, go head, indulge in life's little luxuries.
Mary Kay® Eau de Toilette,
Simple Cotton™,
1.7 fl. oz.

Warm Amber™
An inviting treat for the senses, Mary Kay® Warm Amber™ Eau de Toilette warm, creamy, rich and cozy. Simple, yet sophisticated, Mary Kay® Eau de Toilette fragrance are so carefree and easygoing you can change your scents of style just by adding a new scent to your fragrance wardrobe. So, go head, indulge in life's little luxuries.
Mary Kay® Eau de Toilette,
Warm Amber™ ,
1.7 fl. oz.